diana mini!

district dining / train station

surfers at bondi beach, on australia day

chinatown, it's the year of rabbit!

i finally got my first film roll from diana mini developed! i'm only happy with less than half of the results i got but that's ok, it's all about trials and errors and that's the fun part right! can't wait to shoot my second roll and experiment more. i think next time i'm going to try the half frame shots. see some more of my diana mini shots on my flickr set

for those of you lomo enthusiasts, i do have to share with you these two awesome blogs: diana mini love and hello holga. if you have any tips and tricks or feedback or experiences or links to share please do leave me a comment, i'm a newbie and want to explore more! who would have thought plastic cameras could be so cool?

* all photos taken by moi * camera: diana mini * film: fujicolor superia ISO400 *


  1. Love the one of the surfers on Bondi! Can't wait to see more of your adventures with the Diana.

  2. Love Diana's pictures. Love those.

  3. These are great Laura! you compose your photos really well.

  4. Hey, I really like your photos!
    Please check out my diana mini blog.

  5. These photos are so great! I'm off to go favorite a couple on flickr lol ;)

  6. The surfer photo is so great! it has a 70s feel!

  7. Love these! I haven't finished my first roll on my mini... for some reason it intimidates me. I need to take her out more often.

  8. I love these! The Bondi Beach one is so nice, great colours and composition. I think its normal for only half the photos to turn out. Thats usually the same for me.

  9. Lovely photos! I want to get a diana mini...but I'm not very good with film. :/ maybe one day... <3

  10. i love my Lomo LC-A+, but i have to remind the people at the developing shops not to do anything like changing the colours.etc when they develop the film. I don't know if its the result of a digital ago coming upon us, but i had a whole rol of film developed on its flip side before.. and another with the entire frame tilted so that all the pictures look lopsided. anyhow, its all fun!

  11. that's the interesting thing about film camera. it's full of surprise.

  12. these are great! they have a dreamy quality I've always associated with diana :)

  13. This is fantastic Laura! I know what you mean though, it's annoying with the first few films only finding a few goodies in there, but it's all worth it, you totally get the hang of it.



  14. thank you all so much for your comments and supports, it means a lot :)

  15. Yeay for diana minis :) these look great!

  16. Diana is great! The pictures are beautiful :) I have the Holga and I love it!

  17. i love love love the two last shots! :D Aku beli aquapix, tapi males nyetak, dan karena dengan bodohnya ditaro di ransel begitu aja kemarin, sekarang casingnya udah retak -_-"

  18. these images are crazy inspirational!!!

  19. I love these <3 and i instantly falling in love with your blog :D :D

  20. you are all too nice, all your comments make me so happy!!

  21. Oh, but I think they're truly remarkable, the layering is beautiful!!!!



  22. These are lovely, well done!

    I didn't like any of the shots on my very first roll. I think of the first roll like the first pancake out the pan, which always comes out wonky.

    You're absolutely right, just experimenting and getting the hang of it is half the fun!

    Elle xx

  23. Half is pretty good! I don't think you are a loser.

  24. Laura, how funny ..I knew your blog already for a while, I think even commented several times..and here we are finding out after the cinema sort of "who" we are :)
    Well, I got the pentax at the little market in Potts Point, which takes place every Sunday...and I get the roll developed in the small Kodak store in the Kross :)Hope you are well.


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